The Minor
A minor in ISCOR allows students to get a broad understanding of global affairs with regard to security, social justice, and climate/environmental challenges. It is a great compliment to any major and has value for pursuing a range of postgraduate and professional careers.
The minor in international security and conflict resolution consists of a minimum of 18 units to include 5 courses from the following:
ISCOR 300: Global Systems
Prerequisite: Nine units of General Education requirements in Foundations of Learning, to include three units each in Natural Sciences and Quantitative Reasoning, in Social and Behavioral Sciences, and in Humanities.
Evolution and development of global systems, characteristics of contemporary and global systems and formulation of criteria for projecting the future of the systems.
ISCOR 301: Conflict and Conflict Resolution
Prerequisite: Nine units of General Education requirements in Foundations of Learning, to include three units each in Natural Sciences and Quantitative Reasoning, in Social and Behavioral Sciences, and in Humanities.
Conflict resolution as an emerging field; theories of conflict; methods and implications of conflict management including group, institutional, and international level analysis.
ISCOR 310: Our Global Future
Identifies resource and social crises toward which contemporary American values are leading, examines the nature of human action; contrasts other value systems with ours; considers origins of our values and the individual’s potential for changing them.
ISCOR 320: International Security in the Nuclear Age
Prerequisites: Upper division standing. Nine units of General Education requirements
in Foundations of Learning, to include three units each in Natural Sciences and Quantitative
Reasoning, in Social and Behavioral Sciences, and in Humanities.
International security issues from historical, ethical, economic and sociopsychological
perspectives, including the security environment after the Cold War and current sources
of conflict. The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons
is discussed.
ISCOR 324: Politics of Global Resistance and Solidarity
Global resistance movements that appreciates diversity in thought, experiences, and
motivations. Theories of transnational activism, radical political thought, and international
ISCOR 421: Alternative Dispute Resolution - Theory and International Applications
Prerequisite: Upper division standing.
Theory of collaborative negotiation and mediation, practice of negotiation and mediation
skills and techniques, and focus on personal styles of mediation and collaborative
negotiating. Emphasis on resolving conflicts on the international level.
Political Science 375: International Relations: Theory and Practice
Prevailing and critical theories of international relations and application to historical developments and contemporary issues in global affairs.
Three units selected from:
History 100: World History
Growth of civilizations and interrelationships of people of Europe, Asia, Africa,
and the Americas to 1500.
History 101: World History
Modern history from a global perspective, 1500 to present.
ISCOR 200: International Security and Conflict Resolution
Comprehensive picture of multidisciplinary international and conflict resolution (ISCOR)
Political Science 103: Introduction to Comparative Politics
Analytical models and techniques for examination of problems of decision making and
control in various political systems. Emphasis on patterns of political action in
various cultural contexts.
Political Science 104: Introduction to Global Politics
Basic concepts, terms, and institutions of global politics. Explores power and inequality
in the global system in a variety of issue areas, such as war and diplomacy, human
rights, migration, the global economy, development, and the environment.
Courses in the minor may not be counted toward the major, but may be used to satisfy preparation for the major and general education requirements, if applicable. A minimum of six upper division units must be completed in residence at San Diego State University.
To increase awareness of cross-cultural and global issues, we recommend, but don't require, ISCOR minors to gain an international experience. For an approved program, the ISCOR advisor will work with the student to enable courses abroad to count for up to two of the ISCOR upper-division courses.
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