hands in greenery holding globe


A unique multidisciplinary program that promotes a comprehensive understanding of
contemporary challenges to global and human security

Founded in 1989, the Institute for International Security and Conflict Resolution promotes an innovative, multidisciplinary perspective on issues vital to securing our future. Initially established to promote collaborative research across colleges and departments, the institute worked to set up an undergraduate major that would allow students to benefit from diverse faculty expertise in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of challenges to global and human security. As a result of the collaborative effort of faculty from Political Science, Physics, Public Administration, Biology, Sociology, and Economics, the ISCOR undergraduate major was set up in 1993. 

In its nearly three decades of existence, ISCOR has thrived as a model interdisciplinary program of great relevance to students, faculty, and the broader San Diego community. It remains one of the few programs of its kind in California, and in fact, one of the few of its kind in the United States. Located within the College of Arts and Letters, the major draws from courses offered by faculty in other colleges including, Professional Studies and Fine Arts, Sciences, and Health and Human Services.

ISCOR functions as an academic program and not an independent department.  It is housed within the Political Science Department and draws its primary strength from the involvement of the faculty of this department. However, it continues to build on its association with faculty across colleges and disciplines, ensuring that both the program and students benefit from multidisciplinary expertise.


Where can a degree from us take you?

Ashley Rodriguez

Ashley Rodriguez
ISCOR, 2011
Development Director
Voice of San Diego

Shawn Voutour

Shawn Voutour
ISCOR, 2014
Ph.D. student, Political Science & International Affairs
University of Georgia

Brianna Bradley

Brianna Bradley 
ISCOR, 2018
Intelligence Analyst
Defense Intelligence Agency

Sara Anas

Sara Anas
ISCOR, 2020
Associate Director of Refugee Services
Lutheran Social Services

Read more about our students and alumni.